Monday, August 20, 2012

First Workout - Post Back Injury

20 Aug 12

Finally back in the gym.  I'm still a little tender so I decided to take it pretty easy with the weight and intensity.  Especially since today is supposed to be my Deadlift day.  Anyhow, I cut weight and volume a bit but still got a pretty good workout in.  I also knocked out a good PU/SU routine afterward.  I am currently programming a supplemental program to help some people in my AF reserve unit to pass the PT test.  So, I'm doing the workouts to motivate them.  So, here's what I did:

Drop Step Box Jumps - 36"
3 x 5
Felt great!!!  Was getting up easy, and didn't feel like I was having to bend at the hips too much to get my feet up.

Deadlift - Dynamic Effort
3 x 45, 65, 85, 95, 115, 135, 155, 185, 205 (did 205 for 3 sets)
Felt pretty good.  I'm a little sore, but not bad.  So, I call that a win!

One Arm KB Swings
3 x 5 ea @ 30#
Felt pretty good.  Wanted to take it easy and not push it, since these are very dynamic.  If I was going to hurt myself, it would be here.  But I'm ok.

Dead Hang Chin-ups
5 x 5
Felt good.  All the way down, all the way up.

Extra Workout
3 rds of "The Chipper" for time
10 Wide Arm Pushups
10 Crunches
10 Regular Pushups
10 Legs Up Crunches
10 Diamond Pushups
10 Rocky Situps (Right arm to left knee, left arm to right knee)


Whew, after a crappy day of eating, I was smoked.  Suprisingly enough, the crunches slowed me down the most.  But I got it done.  Might try some jumps tomorrow.

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