Friday, January 31, 2014

Ice, Ice Baby!!

It has been butt-ass cold with ice and snow the last few days.  Kind of hurt my motivation to hit it hard in the garage, but I have drill this weekend so I will have access to an awesome gym.


Rest days due to Snow-maggedon!!


ME Upper Day

Work up to a heavy 3
10 x 45, 8 x 135, 5 x 155, 5 x 185, 3 x 195, 3 x 205, 3 x 215
Felt really heavy for some reason, but I guess I haven't benched in a few months

3 x 5
I still suck at these.

Superset 1
Seated Cable Rows - 3 x 8 @ 115#
Rear DB Flyes - 3 x 8 @ 25# ea

Superset 2
KB Shrugs - 3 x 10 @ 80# ea
KB Curls - 3 x 8 @ 30# ea

Not a bad little workout.  Gonna hit the gym tonight and play ball and do my plyos.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jump Training Portion Begins


Ran a 5 km with a buddy.  Very slow, like 30 minutes, but it was fun.  Good recovery run.


Rest day


Felt like crap when I got up.  Not sure why but decided another day off wouldn't hurt.



3 rds:
10 Air Squats
10 Good Mornings

Dynamic Stretching - 5 min


Depth Drops 20" Box - 4 x 5
Rhytmic Jumps - 4 x 10
Rebounds 9' Target - 3 x 20 @ 8#
OHS - 4 x 5 @ 45/65/95/115
Deadlift - 4 x 8 @ 135/185/205/225

Pretty good workout.  Tried to go a little lighter on the lifts and really explode out of the hole.  I've got to remember to stretch throughout the day so I'm not stiff tomorrow.

Dunk Training Day 1: Complete!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Last day at Crossfit Eastern Shore (for now!)

Last day for Crossfit Eastern Shore.  I really like that gym.  I definitely want to go back in the future, but times are tough financially for me (with the new baby coming, etc) and I need to save some money.  Anyhow, this will allow to focus on accomplishing at least 2 of my other fitness goals.  #1 Dunk a basketball, and #2 Ring Muscle Up.  I'm also going to get back to working bench to break that 300 mark.


WU: Yoga-lates
Run 400m or Row 500m
Samson Stretch, 10 Counts
60 Second, FLR
5 reps, Walkouts
10 Count, SuperMan
20 Count, Hollow Position
10 Count, Superman
5 reps, Walkouts
60 Sec, FLR Samson Stretch,
10 Counts
Run 400m or Row 500m

PERF: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)

5 Minute AMRAP:
15 Push Jerks (95/75)
9 Bar Facing Burpees
Total Reps=75

-Rest 3 Minutes-

4 Minute AMRAP:
21 KB Swings (70/53)
9 Goblet Squats (70/53)
Total Reps=50

-Rest 3 Minutes

3 Minute AMRAP:
Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
Total Reps=53

***Score is total reps across all three AMRAPS

Total Reps=178
Pretty tough.  Those 2 pood KB Swings destroyed me!  And wall balls sucked pretty bad too!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Rest Day


WU1: Warm-up
Perform the following 2x through down and back inside Gym:
-Low Hip Bear Crawls
-Broad Jumps
-Zombie Walks
-Knee Hugs
-Inch Worms

STR: Bent Over Row (in 12 Minutes, build to a tough 3 Rep )
Could have done more but my form was breaking down.

COND: Metcon (Weight)
EMOM for 20 Minutes (20 Total Sets beginning on the 1:00)
ODD Minutes: 5 Bent Over Rows @ 80% of Max Set in STR. - 135#
EVEN Minutes: 8 Box Jumps w/ Step Down Box Height: PERF: 30"
Box jumps felt pretty good.  Only had one that I hung a toe on, but all the others were pretty clean.  Tried to land as straight legged as possible.  Some were better than others.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Basketball Day


Basketball Day!  We only had 6 so we played 3 on 3 for the full/short court.  Actually a pretty good workout.  You don't get to rest at all during 3 on 3.  I jumped a few times and had a weak dunk on the goal that was probably like 9'10".  I am pretty sore from yesterday's workout so I wasn't expecting a whole lot.  It was fun, I shot pretty good, not great but good.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Concrete Legs Day, UGH!


WU1: Warm-up

30 Lunges
20 Jump Squats (No BB)
10 Jump Lunges
I felt really heavy during the jumps. It was like my legs were concrete.


5 Rounds NOT for Time: w/ a VERY Light Kettlebell:
5 KB Swings
1 Walkout Into 3 Push Ups - Walk Back Up and Squeeze core into Extensions

STR: Front Squat (15 Minutes to Build to a Heavy 3 Rep)
135/155/175/185/195/215 (f)
Didn't have it today. Not really sure why.

FIT: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10 Minute AMRAP:
5 Pull Ups (No Bands)
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
*Score is Rounds + Reps
10 rds + 8 reps
ehhh, not terrible. Should have gotten more, need to work on my conditioning more.

Nutrition Side Note:  I need to find a nutrition program that works for me.  I am not trying to lose any weight, just clean up a bit.  I also need to figure out a better way to eat healthy in the allotted time.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Warmup Epiphany


WU1: Gymnasty
400m run
High Hip Bear Crawls
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
Zombie Walks
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
Burpee broad jumps
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
400m Run
I am starting to do all of my warmup movements as explosively as possible, instead of going through the motions.  It occurred to me that most of these are like jump training stuff, so I just need to think about that while I do it.

 STR: Squat Clean Thruster (in 15 Minutes, Build to a heavy 1 rep "Cluster")
Could have gone heavier, maybe 205. I'll try that next time.

FIT: Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for Time:
6 Thrusters (115/75)
8 C2B Pull Ups
Whew!!! Got my first set UB which is a PR for UB C2B!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Soooooooo Cold......


Rest Day.


WU: Warm-up
200m run
10 Push Ups
400m Run
60 Sec FLR
600m Run
10 Push Ups
400m run
60 sec FLR
200m run
100 seconds in the bottom of the squat
Really cold, and that 100s SUCKED!!

1: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
10 Minute Cap: 4 Attempts at ME Double Unders.

2: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
10 Minute Cap: 4 Attempts at ME UB Toes to Bar. Record the Largest Set.
Ugh, I need to work on these.

3.: Metcon (Time)
In 10 Minutes: Perform 2x200m runs w/ 45 seconds "recovery" -then- 800m Run for time.
200s - 43 s / 45 s
800 - 3:05 - PR
Should have been a little faster but the last two hundred sucked and I felt a little queezy.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Slow weekend, then I overslept and missed my Monday morning workout.

Basketball Day!  I played horribly!!!  I couldn't make a shot.  I did get a couple of jumps on tape.  No dunk attempts.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Back to the Civilized World!

Not that anyone noticed, but I've been remarkably absent.  I was deployed for the last 8ish months, and kind of let my blog slide.  I have been working out hard, mostly trying to get stronger.  I have accomplished one of my bucket list, and am closing in on a couple of more.  I am also jumping as good, if not better than ever.  I'm hovering around 200# and I'm ok with that.  I currently workout at Crossfit Eastern Shore and they do an excellent job of mixing up their programming to work strength, power, and metabolic conditioning.  I still need to reign in my diet, but my wife is pregnant with our second child and so we have gone completely organic, and she is juicing like crazy.  Anyhow, here are my current PRs (I'll get some jumping measurements tomorrow morning, and maybe a video of my stuffing one down!):

Dance peppers, DANCE!!!


Back Squat
1RM - 345# (21 Jun 13)
3RM - 335# (27 May 13)
5RM - 305 (2 Aug 13)

Box Squat
1RM - 325# (6 May 13)

Front Squat
1RM - 255# (9 Sep 13)
3RM - 225# (13 May 13)

1RM - 385# (17 Aug 13)
5RM - 315# (8 Feb 13)

Clean and Jerk
1RM - 215# (18 May 13)

Split Jerk
1RM - 245# (4 Oct 13)

Strict Press
2RM - 175# (20 Dec 13)

Push Press
4RM - 225# (27 Aug 13)
Questionable form

Push Jerk
1RM - 225# (9 Jan 14)
2RM - 215# (9 Jan 14)

1RM - 145# (27 Dec 13)

Bench Press
3RM - 265# (25 Sep 13)
5RM - 245# (31 Aug 13)

Consecutive Pullups
26 kipping (27 Aug 13)
6 deadhang (21 Aug 13)
5 C2B (13 Aug 13)

Muscle Ups
GOT MY FIRST MU!!! Check it out: (wfs)
(31 Jul 13)

400 m - 1:14 (31 Jul 13)
400 m - 1:10 (27 Dec 13)
1.5 mi - 12:02 (10 Jun 13)
5 km - 23:06 (21 Sep 13)

500 m - 1:40 (31 Jul 13)


Annie - 8:45 (7 Aug 13)
Barbara - 34:14 (4 May 10)
Elizabeth - 6:34 (2 Jan 13)
Fight Gone Bad - 294 (7 Sep 13)
Fran - 5:48 (3 Jan 13)
Helen - 14:41 (6 Sep 12) *Scaled
Isabel - 8:33 (11 Sep 13)
Nancy - 16:36 (19 Sep 13)