Monday, October 22, 2012

Here's the latest

17 Oct 12

Hang Snatch
10 x 1 Rest=60s
45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 125

Hang Clean
10 x 1 Rest=60s
95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 175

Tried to focus on getting deep in the squat positions. Still kicking my feet out wide instead of squatting down further. Need more work.

5 x 115#
5 x 135#
5 x 155#
5 x 185#
3 x 205#
1+2 x 235#
Ah, not bad I guess. Wanted to get 5 on the last one but whatever.

18 Oct 12

Rest day. Wanted to go run or play basketball, but we got back to the hotel kind of late and only had an hour before dinner.

19 Oct 12

Last night I had a dream where I got stabbed in the back, this morning at the gym I was doing my warmup with the bar. Just some full range of motion Snatches and C&J and I felt shooting pains in my lower back. Coincedence? Hmmm...

Decided to call it, maybe after I get to drill it will have loosened up.

20 & 21 Oct 12

I had drill with my reserve unit and formation was at 0500 both days. Also the gym closed at 5 pm on Saturday, and I was driving home on Sunday so no workouts.

22 Oct 12

Oly Lifts
Snatch - Rest=60s
2 x 2 - 95#
2 x 2 - 110#
2 x 1 - 120#
2 x 1 - 130#
4 x 1 - 115#
Felt pretty good on these. I'm throwing the weight a lot higher, or maybe I'm getting better at getting under it. Either way, felt pretty good.

Snatch Pull to Knees
3 x 5 - 155#
Very short range of motion, but I tried to visualized the proper hip position through the entire movement.

Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press
3 x 5 - 65#
Maybe a little light, but I'm so weak on this movement that I wanted to err on the side of caution. Got all the reps with no pain.

Strength - Finished 3 weeks of Wendler, so starting over without rest week.
Squat - Cycle 2, Week 1
5 x 135#
5 x 155#
3 x 185#
5 x 220#
5 x 240#
5+5 x 260#
Made that my woman! Using a bench again to check depth, and it is just below my knee in height.

Ran out of time for a WOD. However, I did do about 5 min of foam rolling this morning and that really took the tension off my back. Hit my glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors/quads really hard. I want to make sure and make that part of my routine. I was kind of dragging @$$ while getting started so I need to do a better job of time management if I want to try and get a WOD in too.

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