Monday, October 29, 2012

70s Big Begins!

27 Oct 12

5 x 65#
5 x 95#
5 x 115#
5 x 135#
5 x 150#
5+0 x 165#
165# felt really heavy.  Not sure why it was so freakin tough but it was killing me.  I wanted 8, but whatevs!

5 x 8
I did these in between my press sets.  Felt great!  Knocked these out with a little kip.  Finally feel like I can say "I can do pullups!"

1/2 of "Tommy Mac"
12 Burpees
12 Thrusters @ 95#
12 Burpees
12 Hang Power Snatch @ 95#
12 Burpees
12 Push Jerks @ 95#
12 Burpees
12 Hang Power Cleans @ 95#
12 Burpees
12 OHS @ 95#


Seriously almost puked after the thrusters!  :yikes:  WTC!!!  I scaled the weight because 115# Snatch and OHS would reduce me to singles and possible missing, and I still have to use steel weights so I don't like to miss.  Anyhow, it was for sure killer.  Burpees suck so F-ing bad!

28 Oct 12
Rest Day.

29 Oct 12

Olympic Lifts
Hang Power Snatch
5 x 2 @ 115#   Rest=60s
Felt pretty good, had to press a couple of them out but only like locking out, not like catching at my chin or anything.

Hang Power Cleans
5 x 2 @ 155#   Rest=60s
Made it my woman!  Definitely need to add weight.

Strength - Just finished a full cycle of Wendler, so I think I might try a 5 week 70s big cycle.  It is Squatting twice a week which should be interesting, and everything is 3 working sets of 5 (pretty much).  It's straight Linear progression though, and I haven't done that in a while.

70's Big - Starting Maxes
Squat - 5RM = 285#
Press - 5RM = 165#
Bench - 5RM = 235#
Deadlift - 5RM = 315#
Pullups - 12 consecutive
Dips - 5RM = BW + 25#

Week 1 - Workout 1

5 x 135#
5 x 185#
5 x 225#
3 x 5 x 265#
Felt pretty good, not ATG but parallel.

3 x 5 x 155#
A little heavy, but not bad.  What is full rang of motion on these?  To front rack or nose?  If I go to nose, I can do a lot more, but from rack I have to do a little bounce to get it up.

Good workout.

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