WU1: Gymnasty
400m run
High Hip Bear Crawls
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
Zombie Walks
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
Burpee broad jumps
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
400m Run
I am starting to do all of my warmup movements as explosively as possible, instead of going through the motions. It occurred to me that most of these are like jump training stuff, so I just need to think about that while I do it.
STR: Squat Clean Thruster (in 15 Minutes, Build to a heavy 1 rep "Cluster")
Could have gone heavier, maybe 205. I'll try that next time.
FIT: Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for Time:
6 Thrusters (115/75)
8 C2B Pull Ups
Whew!!! Got my first set UB which is a PR for UB C2B!!!
WU1: Gymnasty
400m run
High Hip Bear Crawls
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
Zombie Walks
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
Burpee broad jumps
10 Overhead Squats w/PVC
400m Run
I am starting to do all of my warmup movements as explosively as possible, instead of going through the motions. It occurred to me that most of these are like jump training stuff, so I just need to think about that while I do it.
STR: Squat Clean Thruster (in 15 Minutes, Build to a heavy 1 rep "Cluster")
Could have gone heavier, maybe 205. I'll try that next time.
FIT: Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for Time:
6 Thrusters (115/75)
8 C2B Pull Ups
Whew!!! Got my first set UB which is a PR for UB C2B!!!

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