Rest Day.
WU: Warm-up
200m run
10 Push Ups
400m Run
60 Sec FLR
600m Run
10 Push Ups
400m run
60 sec FLR
200m run
100 seconds in the bottom of the squat
Really cold, and that 100s SUCKED!!
1: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
10 Minute Cap: 4 Attempts at ME Double Unders.
2: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
10 Minute Cap: 4 Attempts at ME UB Toes to Bar. Record the Largest Set.
Ugh, I need to work on these.
3.: Metcon (Time)
In 10 Minutes: Perform 2x200m runs w/ 45 seconds "recovery" -then- 800m Run for time.
200s - 43 s / 45 s
800 - 3:05 - PR
Should have been a little faster but the last two hundred sucked and I felt a little queezy.
Rest Day.
WU: Warm-up
200m run
10 Push Ups
400m Run
60 Sec FLR
600m Run
10 Push Ups
400m run
60 sec FLR
200m run
100 seconds in the bottom of the squat
Really cold, and that 100s SUCKED!!
1: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
10 Minute Cap: 4 Attempts at ME Double Unders.
2: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
10 Minute Cap: 4 Attempts at ME UB Toes to Bar. Record the Largest Set.
Ugh, I need to work on these.
3.: Metcon (Time)
In 10 Minutes: Perform 2x200m runs w/ 45 seconds "recovery" -then- 800m Run for time.
200s - 43 s / 45 s
800 - 3:05 - PR

Should have been a little faster but the last two hundred sucked and I felt a little queezy.
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