16-18 Nov 12
I have been battling allergies for a few days and been getting really bad headaches. Anyhow, I decided to take a few days off to try and get better. I am also shifting my training programming slightly to maximize my time in the gym. I based it on Juggernaut 2.0 but through in some additional stuff. I attached a spreadsheet of my plan. it's 16 weeks long, so we'll see how long I stick with this one!
19 Nov 12
Current Maxes
Squat 1RM - 315#
Bench 1RM - 275#
Deadlift 1RM - 350#
Press 1RM - 185#
C&J 1RM - 195#
Snatch 1RM - 155#
Juggernaut 2.0
10s week - Day 1 - Squat
Wtd 24" Box Jumps
6 x 3 @ 8# Rest=60s
Felt good. First jump on each set was weird, but I was trying to get to straight legs on landing as much as possible.
3 x 5 - 105, 115, 125
Did full range of motion on first two sets, last set was more of power but that's because I'm lazy.
Max Effort
4 x 10 @ 170#
1 x 10+10 @ 170#
Was pretty light, but I guess it's supposed to be. That last set was more boring than anything else. Probably could have got 25, but just didn't want to.
I also was supposed to do 3x10 of GHR, but I don't have a good way to do these, and I suck at them, and I suck at assistance work, and I am lazy, and I didn't want to, and I had to go to the bathroom... I think that's enough excuses.

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