I, of course, caught what the rest of the family has and so I've been sick and
taking care of everyone the last couple of days. Not too mention I was diving
all day Thurs and Fri which didn't leave anytime for working out. So I just
rested and actually feel quite a bit better. Today's workout:
15 Oct 12
15 min to establish Snatch 1RM
5 x 45#
1 x 65#
1 x 75#
1 x 95#
1 x 115#
1 x 125#
1 x 135# (F)
1 x 135# PR!!!! (I think)
A little sloppy, but a lot better than my previous attempts. Still need to work on getting under the bar, but didn't press it up, just locked out!
15 min to establish C&J 1RM
5 x 45#
1 x 95#
1 x 135#
1 x 155#
1 x 165#
1 x 175#
1 x 185# PR!!!!
I was really proud of this one. Went into a full front squat, and jerked it pretty easily
5 x 45#
5 x 135#
5 x 185#
5 x 225#
3 x 250#
1+4 x 280#
Felt good. Need to make sure my depth is good, but it felt good.
I PR'd on snatch when Taylor Swift came on, and PR'd on C&J when Nicki Minaj came on. Coincedence? I think not...
15 Oct 12
15 min to establish Snatch 1RM
5 x 45#
1 x 65#
1 x 75#
1 x 95#
1 x 115#
1 x 125#
1 x 135# (F)
1 x 135# PR!!!! (I think)

A little sloppy, but a lot better than my previous attempts. Still need to work on getting under the bar, but didn't press it up, just locked out!
15 min to establish C&J 1RM
5 x 45#
1 x 95#
1 x 135#
1 x 155#
1 x 165#
1 x 175#
1 x 185# PR!!!!

I was really proud of this one. Went into a full front squat, and jerked it pretty easily
5 x 45#
5 x 135#
5 x 185#
5 x 225#
3 x 250#
1+4 x 280#
Felt good. Need to make sure my depth is good, but it felt good.
I PR'd on snatch when Taylor Swift came on, and PR'd on C&J when Nicki Minaj came on. Coincedence? I think not...
16 Oct 12
Clean and Jerk
2 x 2 x 125#
2 x 2 x 135#
2 x 1 x 155#
2 x 1 x 175#
4 x 1 x 155#
Felt good. Most of these were power clean, because I'm lazy! I've got to get better about that.
5 rds of:
5 OHS @ 45#
8 Pullups
Rest 30s
Need to add some weight but range of motion was good.
3 rds of:
Box Jump Sequence - 12", 18", 24", 30"
10 GHRs
10 40# KB Swings
(Finish with a Box Jump Sequence)
Fun workout. Me likey.
I also did some jumps on the basketball court, in my vibrams. I was getting 5-6 inches above the rim every time. Getting closer!
Clean and Jerk
2 x 2 x 125#
2 x 2 x 135#
2 x 1 x 155#
2 x 1 x 175#
4 x 1 x 155#
Felt good. Most of these were power clean, because I'm lazy! I've got to get better about that.
5 rds of:
5 OHS @ 45#
8 Pullups
Rest 30s
Need to add some weight but range of motion was good.
3 rds of:
Box Jump Sequence - 12", 18", 24", 30"
10 GHRs
10 40# KB Swings
(Finish with a Box Jump Sequence)
Fun workout. Me likey.
I also did some jumps on the basketball court, in my vibrams. I was getting 5-6 inches above the rim every time. Getting closer!
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