Here's my journey to complete several things I've always wanted to accomplish. My fitness bucket list is my attempt at setting goals and systematically taking them down. I will also use it as my workout log to track progress and programs that I have used.
Monday, October 29, 2012
70s Big Begins!
27 Oct 12
5 x 65#
5 x 95#
5 x 115#
5 x 135#
5 x 150#
5+0 x 165#
165# felt really heavy. Not sure why it was so freakin tough but it was killing me. I wanted 8, but whatevs!
5 x 8
I did these in between my press sets. Felt great! Knocked these out with a little kip. Finally feel like I can say "I can do pullups!"
1/2 of "Tommy Mac"
12 Burpees
12 Thrusters @ 95#
12 Burpees
12 Hang Power Snatch @ 95#
12 Burpees
12 Push Jerks @ 95#
12 Burpees
12 Hang Power Cleans @ 95#
12 Burpees
12 OHS @ 95#
Seriously almost puked after the thrusters! :yikes: WTC!!! I scaled the weight because 115# Snatch and OHS would reduce me to singles and possible missing, and I still have to use steel weights so I don't like to miss. Anyhow, it was for sure killer. Burpees suck so F-ing bad!
28 Oct 12
Rest Day.
29 Oct 12
Olympic Lifts
Hang Power Snatch
5 x 2 @ 115# Rest=60s
Felt pretty good, had to press a couple of them out but only like locking out, not like catching at my chin or anything.
Hang Power Cleans
5 x 2 @ 155# Rest=60s
Made it my woman! Definitely need to add weight.
Strength - Just finished a full cycle of Wendler, so I think I might try a 5 week 70s big cycle. It is Squatting twice a week which should be interesting, and everything is 3 working sets of 5 (pretty much). It's straight Linear progression though, and I haven't done that in a while.
70's Big - Starting Maxes
Squat - 5RM = 285#
Press - 5RM = 165#
Bench - 5RM = 235#
Deadlift - 5RM = 315#
Pullups - 12 consecutive
Dips - 5RM = BW + 25#
Week 1 - Workout 1
5 x 135#
5 x 185#
5 x 225#
3 x 5 x 265#
Felt pretty good, not ATG but parallel.
3 x 5 x 155#
A little heavy, but not bad. What is full rang of motion on these? To front rack or nose? If I go to nose, I can do a lot more, but from rack I have to do a little bounce to get it up.
Good workout.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Actually Got to Play Basketball!!!
26 Oct 12
Oly Lifts
1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance @ 95#
Every 30s for 10 rounds
Man, felt that in my shoulders a lot! Good practice in my OHS range of motion.
1 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk @ 135#
Every 40s for 10 rounds
I can throw the weight pretty good, but my front squat still needs work. Also, I'm so lazy when catching, I only dip as little as possible. I need to practice going into a full front squat every time.
Planned WOD
8 min AMRAP
8 Lateral Box Jumps
16 OH Walking Lunges @ 45#
24 Hand Release Pushups
While setting up the WOD, I did a few box jumps and realized THAT IS CAUSING MY BACK PAIN!!! I thought it was deadlifting, but every time I have felt the pain it has been after some significant box jumping! Those days just happened to coincide with deadlifting! WTC! So I didn't do the WOD, but now I have to figure out why that hurts and how to fix it.
25 Oct 12
Basketball Day!!! Actually cheated on my normal group and played at another church. It was a lot of fun. Played pretty well, had a couple of bad passes but shot pretty well. I jumped a couple of times and am easily hanging on the rim. I think I'm getting a lot out of my oly lifts. Also, I took the time to foam roll before I went to the gym and my back felt a lot better.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Last post got jacked up!
24 Oct 12
Olympic Lifts
2 x 2 - 135#
2 x 2 - 150#
3 x 1 - 165#
1 x 1 - 175#
4 x 1 - 160#
Did the last set as Hang Power C&Js. My back is still sore, I'm trying loosen up my posterior chain and hip flexors. I think that is where the porblem lies.
5 x 135#
5 x 155#
5 x 165#
5 x 175#
5 x 190#
5+1 x 215#
I really wanted 10 on the last set, but just didn't feel it.
23 Oct 12
Basketball Day!!! FINALLY!!! Actually had 10 this morning. It was fun. Didn't play that great but pretty good. My back is still pretty tight. I need to focus on mobility and flexibility throughout the day. I only really tried to jump once and got easily up over the rim. Anyhow, it was great to just play again.
I also was in the water all day, diving for work. Which seems to exhaust me even though it's not terribly strenuous.
22 Oct 12
Oly Lifts
Snatch - Rest=60s
2 x 2 - 95#
2 x 2 - 110#
2 x 1 - 120#
2 x 1 - 130#
4 x 1 - 115#
Felt pretty good on these. I'm throwing the weight a lot higher, or maybe I'm getting better at getting under it. Either way, felt pretty good.
Snatch Pull to Knees
3 x 5 - 155#
Very short range of motion, but I tried to visualized the proper hip position through the entire movement.
Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press
3 x 5 - 65#
Maybe a little light, but I'm so weak on this movement that I wanted to err on the side of caution. Got all the reps with no pain.
Strength - Finished 3 weeks of Wendler, so starting over without rest week.
Squat - Cycle 2, Week 1
5 x 135#
5 x 155#
3 x 185#
5 x 220#
5 x 240#
5+5 x 260#
Made that my woman! Using a bench again to check depth, and it is just below my knee in height.
Ran out of time for a WOD. However, I did do about 5 min of foam rolling this morning and that really took the tension off my back. Hit my glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors/quads really hard. I want to make sure and make that part of my routine. I was kind of dragging @$$ while getting started so I need to do a better job of time management if I want to try and get a WOD in too.
20 & 21 Oct 12
I had drill with my reserve unit and formation was at 0500 both days. Also the gym closed at 5 pm on Saturday, and I was driving home on Sunday so no workouts.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Here's the latest
17 Oct 12
10 x
1 Rest=60s
55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 125
10 x
1 Rest=60s
105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 175
to focus on getting deep in the squat positions. Still kicking my feet out wide
instead of squatting down further. Need more work.
5 x
5 x
5 x
5 x
3 x
x 235#
not bad I guess. Wanted to get 5 on the last one but whatever.
18 Oct 12
day. Wanted to go run or play basketball, but we got back to the hotel kind of
late and only had an hour before dinner.
Oct 12
night I had a dream where I got stabbed in the back, this morning at the gym I
was doing my warmup with the bar. Just some full range of motion Snatches and
C&J and I felt shooting pains in my lower back. Coincedence? Hmmm...
to call it, maybe after I get to drill it will have loosened up.
20 & 21 Oct 12
had drill with my reserve unit and formation was at 0500 both days. Also the
gym closed at 5 pm on Saturday, and I was driving home on Sunday so no
Oct 12
- Rest=60s
2 x
2 - 95#
2 x
2 - 110#
2 x
1 - 120#
2 x
1 - 130#
4 x
1 - 115#
pretty good on these. I'm throwing the weight a lot higher, or maybe I'm
getting better at getting under it. Either way, felt pretty good.
Pull to Knees
3 x
5 - 155#
short range of motion, but I tried to visualized the proper hip position
through the entire movement.
Grip Behind the Neck Press
3 x
5 - 65#
a little light, but I'm so weak on this movement that I wanted to err on the
side of caution. Got all the reps with no pain.
- Finished 3 weeks of Wendler, so starting over without rest week.
- Cycle 2, Week 1
5 x
5 x
3 x
5 x
5 x
x 260#
that my woman! Using a bench again to check depth, and it is just below my knee
in height.
out of time for a WOD. However, I did do about 5 min of foam rolling this
morning and that really took the tension off my back. Hit my glutes,
hamstrings, and hip flexors/quads really hard. I want to make sure and make
that part of my routine. I was kind of dragging @$$ while getting started so I
need to do a better job of time management if I want to try and get a WOD in
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Catch yall up.
Here's what I've been up to.
I, of course, caught what the rest of the family has and so I've been sick and
taking care of everyone the last couple of days. Not too mention I was diving
all day Thurs and Fri which didn't leave anytime for working out. So I just
rested and actually feel quite a bit better. Today's workout:
15 Oct 12
15 min to establish Snatch 1RM
5 x 45#
1 x 65#
1 x 75#
1 x 95#
1 x 115#
1 x 125#
1 x 135# (F)
1 x 135# PR!!!! (I think)
A little sloppy, but a lot better than my previous attempts. Still need to work on getting under the bar, but didn't press it up, just locked out!
15 min to establish C&J 1RM
5 x 45#
1 x 95#
1 x 135#
1 x 155#
1 x 165#
1 x 175#
1 x 185# PR!!!!
I was really proud of this one. Went into a full front squat, and jerked it pretty easily
5 x 45#
5 x 135#
5 x 185#
5 x 225#
3 x 250#
1+4 x 280#
Felt good. Need to make sure my depth is good, but it felt good.
I PR'd on snatch when Taylor Swift came on, and PR'd on C&J when Nicki Minaj came on. Coincedence? I think not...
15 Oct 12
15 min to establish Snatch 1RM
5 x 45#
1 x 65#
1 x 75#
1 x 95#
1 x 115#
1 x 125#
1 x 135# (F)
1 x 135# PR!!!! (I think)

A little sloppy, but a lot better than my previous attempts. Still need to work on getting under the bar, but didn't press it up, just locked out!
15 min to establish C&J 1RM
5 x 45#
1 x 95#
1 x 135#
1 x 155#
1 x 165#
1 x 175#
1 x 185# PR!!!!

I was really proud of this one. Went into a full front squat, and jerked it pretty easily
5 x 45#
5 x 135#
5 x 185#
5 x 225#
3 x 250#
1+4 x 280#
Felt good. Need to make sure my depth is good, but it felt good.
I PR'd on snatch when Taylor Swift came on, and PR'd on C&J when Nicki Minaj came on. Coincedence? I think not...
16 Oct 12
Clean and Jerk
2 x 2 x 125#
2 x 2 x 135#
2 x 1 x 155#
2 x 1 x 175#
4 x 1 x 155#
Felt good. Most of these were power clean, because I'm lazy! I've got to get better about that.
5 rds of:
5 OHS @ 45#
8 Pullups
Rest 30s
Need to add some weight but range of motion was good.
3 rds of:
Box Jump Sequence - 12", 18", 24", 30"
10 GHRs
10 40# KB Swings
(Finish with a Box Jump Sequence)
Fun workout. Me likey.
I also did some jumps on the basketball court, in my vibrams. I was getting 5-6 inches above the rim every time. Getting closer!
Clean and Jerk
2 x 2 x 125#
2 x 2 x 135#
2 x 1 x 155#
2 x 1 x 175#
4 x 1 x 155#
Felt good. Most of these were power clean, because I'm lazy! I've got to get better about that.
5 rds of:
5 OHS @ 45#
8 Pullups
Rest 30s
Need to add some weight but range of motion was good.
3 rds of:
Box Jump Sequence - 12", 18", 24", 30"
10 GHRs
10 40# KB Swings
(Finish with a Box Jump Sequence)
Fun workout. Me likey.
I also did some jumps on the basketball court, in my vibrams. I was getting 5-6 inches above the rim every time. Getting closer!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Latest workouts
I haven't jumping hardly at all lately. I am focusing on getting some solid strength numbers. Plus, I just haven't had good opportunities to get to play bball. I am going to add 1 plyo exercise to my warmup each workout day. Anyhow, here's what I've been up to:
6 Oct 12
Press 5 x 45# 5 x 95# 3 x 115# 5 x 120# 5 x 140# 5+1 x 155# Wanted 8 on the last one but whatever. Hang Snatch 6 x 2 @ 60# EMOM I made sure to go into a deep OHS position, pause then go up. Definitely feeling more comfortable in that position. |
7 Oct 12
Rest day. 8 Oct 12 Squat 5 x 45# 5 x 135# 5 x 155# 3 x 185# 3 x 210# 3 x 240# 3+2 x 265# Not bad, felt kind of heavy, but good. Snatch 3 x 70# 3 x 85# 3 x 95# Felt really good on these. Really got deep in my OHS position. Feel like I'm getting better! Run 1.5 mi run in 12:30 (8:20 min/mi) Ran home from the Auto shop, it was a little chilly but I tried to focus on my form and really moving efficiently. Felt pretty easy. |
9 Oct 12
1.5 mi run 12 min (8 min/mi) Same run as yesterday, just in reverse. Back was a little tight but not too bad. Going to do speed work at lunch. |
9 Oct 12 (Cont)
Lunch CFE Warmup: 5 min jog Workout: 3 rds of: 200m - 400m - 600m Rest=1:1 Rd 1: 39.45 s (4:58 min/mi) - 1:27 (5:26 min/mi) - 2:27 (6:16 min/mi) Rd 1: 40.75 s (5:18 min/mi) - 1:32 (5:49 min/mi) - 2:26 (6:14 min/mi) Rd 1: 42.87 s (5:41 min/mi) - 1:38 (6:09 min/mi) - 2:30 (6:40 min/mi) Total distance: 3.1 mi Pretty good run. Tried to control myself on the 200s and I guess that helped. Still fell off my pace but not that bad. Need to work those 600 and 800 distances more I think. |
10 Oct 12
Bench Press 5 x 45# 5 x 95# 5 x 115 3 x 140# 3 x 165# 3 x 195# 3+4 x 225# PR!! ![]() BOOM!! Most reps I've ever done with 2 plates. Not earth shattering by any means, but it's always been a personal goal to rep out 225, and I fo sho did it. Bar touched chest every time! Hang Power Cleans 5 x 2 @ 95# EMOM WAY TOO LIGHT!!!! Need to at least be 135#. Holy crap! I planned on doing a WOD but my little girl is sick and threw up so I had to run to the store to get a thermometer and some kids tylenol. I feel terrible for my little one. It's not serious, but she just looks so sad. ![]() |
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Two Previous Workouts
4 Oct 12
No basketball again! ![]() WTC?!?!?! Will I ever play again? CFE at Lunch: Warmup: 7 min jog @ 10 min/mi 3 x .5 mi with 2 min recovery Rd 1: 3:36 (7:14 min/mi) Rd 2: 3:42 (7:24 min/mi) Rd 3: 3:30 (7:00 min/mi) Warmdown: 5 min jog back It was a really pretty day and I ran at South Alabama's Nature Trail which was really fun, so these were all trail times which tend to be much slower. Nowhere near a PR but still fun. |
3 Oct 12
Going back to a strength program I know works for me and I've been able to stick to (not really sure why this one works for me). 5/3/1 with assistance work, with a few metcons and CFE runs sprinkled in. Bench 8 x 45# 5 x 95# 5 x 115# 5 x 145# 5 x 165# 5 x 185# 5+3 x 205# Felt good, all reps touched chest. Not sure if that's a PR or not, but felt good about it. WOD 5 rds of: 10 ring pushups 1 "no legs" rope climb @ 10' Didn't time it, but had limited rest. I started sitting, pulling to standing then a couple of pulls to the top. I need a lot more practice. |
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Sorry I haven't bee updating. Been at my 2 week training for the Reserves.
26 Sep 12
AM: Pushups 1 min on/1 min off 45 sec on/45 sec off 30 sec on/30 sec off 15 sec on Got 50, 37, 22, 10. Talk about feeling the burn! 2 min rest Situps 1 min on/1 min off 45 sec on/45 sec off 30 sec on/30 sec off 15 sec on Got 50, 35, 20, 15. How could 2:30 suck so bad? PM: Power Clean 5 x 45# 5 x 95# 5 x 115# 5 x 135# 5 x 135# 5 x 135# Felt good on all these. Throwing the weight around! Dips 15 x BW 15 x 10# 12 x 20# Going to keep adding weight. See what I can do. Was going to try a WOD but it was so crowded that I couldn't.
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