Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Last couple of days...

21 Jan 13

Basketball Day!!! Had fun, a little stiff from squats, but still fun. i was jumping ok, not great but ok. And the tile floor is really tough to jump off of.

19 Jan 13

Rest Day

20 Jan 13
Juggernaut 2.0 3s Wave - Final Wave!!!!

5 x 1 - 155, R=60s
5 x 1 - 175, R=60s
8 x 1 - 145, R=30s
Felt pretty good. Actually missed one rep because I caught it really far forward, even though I was deep I didn't bring it to my chest. Anyhow, it's amazing how easy 145 was after 175.

5 x 145
5 x 225
6 x 3 x 240
1 x 3+2 x 240
Felt pretty good. Depth was decent and I felt strong. I could have done more but didn't want to risk it.

Good workout. 100th workout in my Garage Gym!!! (Since I started checking in on FB anyways) So, 4 times a week "ish", equals 25 weeks. And I've missed a few weeks due to travelling. Pretty cool.

18 Jan 13

Finally back home. Finished out 5s Wave.

5 x 45
5 x 95
3 x 115
3 x 135
3 x 140
3 x 150
8 x 155

5 x 165
3 x 195
2 x 225
1 x 240
1 x 260
8 x 275

Not bad I guess. Just takes a while on this many sets. I tried to rest a lot in order to be good for my last set. Seemed to help.

16-17 Jan 13

No workouts. Still in New Orleans with no gym, and terrible weather.

15 Jan 13

Ran about 2.5 miles through New Orleans, in the rain and it was about 40 degrees. Not a bad run, just not really fun.

14 Jan 13

Rest. It was cold and nasty and I was in New Orleans on business all week.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The latest, so close to throwing it down!

10 Jan 13

Basketball day!!! Played 4 games and only won one game. Didn't shoot that great but got a good sweat going. Pretty fun.

11 Jan 13

C&J Complex
EMOM for 7 min
1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk
135, 135, 145, 145, 155, 155, 175
Almost missed the last power clean cause I wasn't focusing on my lift. I got it.

5 x 205
5 x 235
3 x 5 x 250
1 x 8 x 250
Felt good. Tried to really brace my abs on each lift. I think it helped with my back soreness. Going to hit a WOD this evening when I get to Hurlburt.

11 Jan 13

Well I didn't do a WOD but I did play basketball for about an hour. I warmed up with some DUs, got about 25 in a row which is a PR for me. I am jumping a lot higher than ever before. I think it's obvious that increased strength leads to increase jumping. After I finish this cycle of strength I will transition into an olympic focus with strength maintenance and add box jumps.

12 Jan 13

1 Hang Power Snatch + 5 OHS
45, 95, 105, 115, 125
I really need to work on OHS. My shoulder stability is terrible.

5 x 125
5 x 135
4 x 5 x 145
Not bad. Didn't push too hard.

I planned on doing another WOD but I got sucked into another basketball game. Played pretty good and had several good jumps. I'm getting over the rim pretty easily. I know I can put down a good oop.

13 Jan 13

No olympic lifts today. I'm not going to be able to lift heavy the rest of this week, so I need to do Squat and Bench today.

5 x 45
5 x 135
5 x 155
5 x 185
3 x 215
2 x 230
1 x 245
8 x 260
Felt pretty good. My foot has been pretty sore for the last few days, not sure why, but I'm going to work some flexibility and mobility this week.

5 x 135
5 x 155
3 x 185
3 x 195
3 x 210
8 x 220
Probably could have done 10, but held back a bit.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Still Working

9 Jan 13

1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS
EMOM for 7 minutes
I really need to practice OHS, man I feel uneasy in the hole. Off balance and unstable.

5 x 135
5 x 175
5 x 5 x 195
Not bad, felt good just a lack of motivation. Another lack luster morning, seems to be a rash of those. I will do a WOD at lunch if I can.

8 Jan 13

Basketball Day!!! Well my normal group didn't show up so I only got to play in two games at the other gym. It was fun, and I played ok, I just have to take it pretty easy with those guys cause they don't even have one person that can keep up with me. Not trying to sound too conceited but my group has a couple of guys that are as in as good shape as I am, so I can go as hard as I want. But this other group has a couple of decent shooters, but no real players, at least not for a long time. Still fun, and a bunch of nice people.

7 Jan 13 Cont.

Lunchtime WOD

Double Unders
5 x 15
Got the last one unbroken! I love my new jump rope!

Helen - Scaled
3 rds
400 m run
21 KBS - 30#
12 Pullups
Whew!!! Cut 4 min off my previous time. Granted I used a lighter KB but i never had problems with those before so I dont think it would have slowed me down that much. Good lunch workout.

7 Jan 13

Juggernaut 2.0 - 5s Wave - Squat Day

3 x 1 - 45#
2 x 1 - 150#
2 x 1 - 170#
3 x 1 - 180#
8 x 1 - 135#
It's amazing how light 135 felt, after 180. I was able to catch 180 really high, I know that's sort of cheating but it felt good to just sling it up!

5 x 135#
5 x 205#
5 x 225#
4 x 5 x 235#
ah, not my best performance but I'll take it.

I've got to figure out a better way to manage my time in the morning. I finished right at 6 which left me no time for assistance or conditioning.

6 Jan 13

Was supposed to have basketball practice with my team, but the wife veto'd that so I just stayed home.

5 Jan 13

Juggernaut 2.0 - 5s Wave - Press Day

Hang Power Snatch
EMOM 10 x 2 - 115#
Felt heavy by the end, but not bad. Tried to focus on not spreading my feet after the jump/pull and bending my knees. I really to start pulling from the floor and working on my OHS.

4 x 5 - 140
1 x AMRAP - 140 (10)
Not bad, first sets felt heavy but I was cranking on the last one.

Once again, I just didn't do anything else. This is where going to a box would really help me. You can't just punk out when everyone else is there working hard. I need to find a way to get motivated in the mornings. I have problem doing my Oly lifts and main lifts, but I can't seem to do anything else. I take forever between sets, and warming up, but I think that's my excuse to not do anything else that I "run out of time".

4 Jan 13

Juggernaut 2.0 - 5s Wave - Deadlift Day

Hang Power C&J
12 min to est. 1RM
45, 95, 135, 155, 165, 175, 190 - PR
That is a PR for all types of C&J. I know I can do 205 if I can just get under it. 1 x BW here I come!

4 x 5 - 225
1 x AMRAP - 225 (8)
First sets felt heavy, but the last one felt easy. Could have gone to 12 but didn't want to push it. Back is still a little testy, but hurts more in dynamic movements.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!!! Almost a month's worth of updates...

3 Jan 13

Basketball Day!!! Played several games and had a good time. I played pretty good. Still slow on my hands but I'm passing better, still a little unfocused. I also need to practice playing better defense. Also, I was super close to dunking after we finished playing. I had one of the guys throw me an oop and after 4 horrible tosses, he threw a good one and I just miss timed it a little bit. I think I'll get it on Tuesday!

2 Jan 13

Juggernaut 2.0 - 5s Wave - Bench Day 
Hang Power Snatch
12 min to establish 1RM
45, 65, 85, 95, 115, 125, 135 - PR 
Only 10 lbs off my Snatch 1RM. And I didn't press it at all, just threw it clear over my head. I know I'm getting stronger, if I could just do a better job of dropping under the bar I think I would be able to do quite a bit more.

4 x 5 - 165
1 x 12 - 165
Seemed pretty light, but whatever.

Hang Power Cleans – 135
Ring Dips
My heart was seriously about to explode on the first set. Not sure why but man, I got through about 8 power cleans and my heart was beating so fast I almost puked. After I calmed down, it wasn't so bad but I'm going to have to do some research on what the deal is.

1 Jan 13

So, it's a new year. Hopefully I can be a better husband, father, brother, son, and friend than I was last year. I would also like plenty of other things, but they are irrelevant when compared with the first two.

Juggernaut 2.0 - 5s Wave - Squat Day 
First workout of the year!!!

Warmup- 45#, 135#
5 x 1 - 150#
3 x 1 - 165#
2 x 1 - 175#
8 x 1 - 135#
This took a really long time. I started getting a little tired and started just power cleaning it, but on the last few I really focused on going deep into my front squat. I know I did 165 all the way down cause I almost rolled backwards once.

5 x 5 - 225#
1 x 10 - 225#
Felt pretty good, questionable depth on some, but most were good. It was after 6 when I got done with my squats so I decided to skip the WOD I had planned. Good thing too cause my daughter woke up at like 615 ready to play!

31 Dec 12

Basketball!!! Normally we play on Tuesday, but since that is New Year's Day the Y is closed and no one would show up anyhow. It was fun. We played 3 games of 3 on 3.

30 Dec 12

My birthday!!! Also a rest day, but my parents babysat for us and me and they wifey went to see the Hobbit. It was really good. I'm excited for the next two to come out!

29 Dec 12

Juggernaut 2.0 - 8s Wave - Press Day

20 min to get a 1RM
45, 65, 95, 115, 135, 145 - PR 
I pressed it a little, and it was still a pretty high catch but I'll take it!

5 x 45
5 x 85
3 x 105
2 x 115
2 x 125
12 x 130
Felt pretty easy. 

"12 Days of Christmas" from Outlaw
1 C&J - 115#
2 MU
3 Box Jumps - 30"
4 Hang Snatch - 115#
5 Burpees
6 Push Press - 115#
7 Pistols
8 T2B
9 Wall Ball - 9# ball
10 Pullups
11 Pushups
12 Front Squats - 115#


I scaled it back a lot, but it was still a smoker. I can't imagine doing it as RX'd. I was supposed to use more weight, and do 1, then 1-2, then 1-3, etc. 
http://board.crossfit.com/images/cnome/smilies/yikes.gif Yeah, NO WAY!

Just did some checking, the last time I can find that I did JT was on May 25th, 2010. I did it in 20:23!!!http://board.crossfit.com/images/cnome/smilies/yikes.gifI'm sure my range of motion was equally bad on that one, so that is one hell of an improvement.

28 Dec 12

Juggernaut 2.0 - 8s Wave - Deadlift Day

2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Split Jerk
6 x 2 - 135# EMOM
I used my new bumpers. The weight was good, and I was getting some good velocity.

5 x 135
5 x 160
3 x 190
2 x 225
10 x 250
Felt heavy at first but once I got going it wasn't bad. Probably could have gotten 12, but decided 10 was plenty.

3 x 10 - 85# on a 20" box
I started using a 24" box and almost fell over when I caught my two on the edge! Then I used the 20".

Pretty good workout. Still resting too much and need to get more motivated in the mornings.

27 Dec 12

5 x 45
5 x 135
5 x 155
3 x 175
3 x 195
10 x 200
I was happy with 10, but it was getting pretty heavy.

Ring Dips

UGH!! My range of motion was pathetic! I mean it was like barely half way down. Anyhow, whatever. I'm ready to use my jump rope and bumpers tomorrow!

25 & 26 Dec 12

Nothing! It's Christmas! I got a pair of 45# bumper weights from my inlaws and a speed rope from my wife! It's on like donkey kong!

24 Dec 12

Still not feeling 100% with my back and my allergies are still kicking my butt. Pretty good little workout in spite of it.

Box Jumps
5 x 2 @ 24" Box
Easy, need a higher box

Hang Squat Cleans
3 x 45#
Still just working range of motion. Felt pretty good, but my back is still so tight.

5 x 45
5 x 135
5 x 155
3 x 175
2 x 205
1 x 225
10 x 235
Not bad.

23 Dec 12

Rest Day.

22 Dec 12

I was working on my daughters Christmas present for a long time and was only able to do the following:

5 x 45
5 x 95
5 x 105
8 x 115
8 x 115
8+4 x 115
Felt pretty easy. I know I can do a lot more.

21 Dec 12

Had a terrible headache when I woke up, so I decided to take the day off.

20 Dec 12

Basketball Day!!! I played ok. Didn't push it too hard. Just got in a really good sweat. Speaking of sweat, our gym's floor slab was sweating so bad that half the gym was soaked! I'm getting really tired of that gym.

19 Dec 12

Super Early Workout!!! Had to start at 430am because I had to meet my ride at 6 to go diving all day.

Juggernaut 2.0 8s Wave - Week 2 - Bench Day

3 x 5 - 45
Just wanted to get my ROM back. Still nursing my ankle a bit. It's pretty achey in the morning so I wanted to try some light weight this week on the more dynamic movements.

3 x 5 - 45, 150, 170
2 x 8 - 180
1 x 8+4 - 180
Felt good. Pretty easy to get 12, probably could have gotten 15 but just got bored.

5 x 5 x 5
5 Rds of:
5 OH Press
5 High Pulls
5 Curls
5 Tricep Press
5 Bent over rows
All with 45# bar, and never setting the bar down.

My forearms were on fire about round 4. I mean, I had like some weird disorder afterward where my hands wouldn't work right. It was hard to use the door knob. 

Oh, I also had to dive a 3/4 mi long bridge and it was about 50 degrees outside and the water temp was about 58. Not too mention I was scraping oysters and growth off of 18" square concrete piles while underwater. I was in the water for over 2 hours, man I was smoked after that one!

18 Dec 12

Basketball Day!!! I played with the other group this morning. It is always fun playing with them and their gym is much better than ours. Except they have a tile floor and it is hard and slick, not good for jumping at all. Our floor is that hard rubber tiles, a little better on the knees but also pretty crappy for jumping. I played pretty good, and ran hard.

17 Dec 12

3 x 5 - 45
I just wanted to start getting some range of motion back in my ankle. It was pretty tender with this light weight so I didn't want to push it.

5 - 135
5 - 175
5 - 200
8 - 215
8 - 215
8+2 - 215
Not a spectacular performance, but whatever. 

3 x 10
Felt good about these. Starting to really focus on my hamstrings while pulling, and using less arms to spot myself.

I considered an additional WOD but just didn't follow through. I need to find some motivation somewhere. I feel like I'm just going through the motions everyday, instead of pushing myself to be better. I know you can't go all out everyday, but my lackluster days should be the minority, not the norm!

16 Dec 12

Rest day. How can so much bad stuff happen in one week? My cousin was found dead, my bosses uncle died, the CT shooting, and I just found out that my wife's old boss (a pretty close friend) was in a car accident Friday night and his wife was killed and he has a broken neck! What is going on?

15 Dec 12

Juggernaut 2.0 8s Wave - Week 1 - Press Day

1 x 5 - 45
4 x 8 - 105
1 x 8+7 - 105
Felt pretty light, but I guess it's supposed to at this point. 

"Lord of the Rings" (I just made that up!)
10,9,8,...., 1
Ring Dips
Ring Pullups
Ring Pushups

I got through them all, but of course didn't start my timer. Pretty good stuff, just a pain to put the rings up and down every time.

Pretty good workout. Anyhow, I can tell I'm getting bigger. My shirts are a lot tighter, I've put on a few pounds, but my pants are fitting a little tighter too. Well, gotta put on some fat to add muscle I suppose.

14 Dec 12

Juggernaut 2.0 8s Wave - Week 1 - Deadlift Day

1 x 5 - 45
1 x 5 - 135
4 x 8 - 205
1 x 8+4 - 205
Felt good. Ankle felt fine.

Step ups
3 x 10 - 45# on 20" box
These really get my heart going. I definitely need to focus on some iso lateral stuff.

3 rds of 
20 situps
10 K2E
I actually caught a cramp in my abs on the third set of situps. And holy crap! I suck so bad at K2E.

I decided to forgo the jumping and oly lifting which was probably smart. I'll get back to that next week.

13 Dec 12

Basketball Day!!! I actually felt really good and played 3 games of 4 on 4 full court. I played ok, shot really good one game, really bad one game, and ok in one, so we'll say pretty good overall. I'm surprised that my ankle didn't bother me that much, granted I didn't drive too much and was pretty selective about when I jumped. Anyhow, I wore a brace but I'm not sure how much it helped. 

12 Dec 12

So I had one of the most disappointing workouts I've had in a long time. I just felt lazy. I did my (primary lift) Bench, but was less than stellar. I did 10 HSPU and called it. yeah, my ankle hurts but I think I am just being a wuss. UGH!!!!

4 x 8 - 170
1 x 8+4 - 170