About an average of 20# gain on my 5RM for each lift (Squat, Deadlift, Press, and Bench). I'm pretty happy with the gains I made with my olympic lifting as well. Still need to focus on form but you gotta start somewhere.
My new program will is a 3 on/1 off schedule, with Olympic lifting twice each 3 days, and Westside style primary lifts. There is also one heavy metcon per 3 days, as well as gymnastics progressions each day. Essentially it is a 8 day cycle. I attached a spreadsheet below for the first cycle:
Anyhow, I've added plyos in as well. I'm calling this my power phase, to be followed by my plyo/speed phase. Here's what I've done so far:
17 Feb 13
MU Progression
10 ME false grip hangs
I can barely hang at all in a false grip. If I keep my arms bent I can manage it, but certainly not full extension or turn out. That was disheartening.
Double Unders
3 x 20
The last set I got all 20 UB. PR!!

Hang Power Clean
5 x 45
5 x 135
3 x 145
2 x 155
2 x 165
2 x 175
1 x 185
1 x 195
3 x 155
I think that 195 is a PR, but not sure. I know it's my full C&J PR.
ME Box Squat
5 x 155
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 275
5 x 305
Not bad, felt good with 305. PR!!

18 Feb 13
Advanced Tuck
5 x ME
5 s/5 s/7 s/7 s/7 s
I can push my legs out with arms slightly bent but can't hold it for any real time.
225# Deadlift
24" Box Jumps
Ring Dips
Strength was fine, I just didn't have much gas in the tank. I did ok on the ring dips, and got my last set unbroken. Gotta start somewhere I suppose.
19 Feb 13
Sick baby. Got up at 3:30 and then she didn't go back to sleep. Poor baby was throwing up and had a fever. So I didn't get to workout and had to leave early to go on a QA trip.
20 Feb 13
L-Sit to Headstand Practice
5 attempts
Only missed two, but felt good. I bet without shoes I could have made it through the tuck transition easier and my feet wouldn't have been so heavy.
Weighted Box Jumps
5 x 3 @ 30" with 8#
Actually missed my last jump on my second set. I almost ate it hard! Anyhow, I have to pay attention on 30, 24 is pretty easy but 30 I have to focus on every rep. Good stuff.
DE Bench
5 x 135
5 x 155
12 x 2 - 175 Every 30s
Got pretty tough on the last two sets, but tried to be as dynamic as possible.
Planned on doing snatch as well but got sidetracked talking to my buddy on FB. Oh well, I'll do it tomorrow.
21 Feb 13
Lateral Cone Hops
3 x 20
Over 1' object, felt good and light. Not bad.
Hi Hang Snatch
8 x 1
45, 95, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135
Got the last one pretty easily, still catching high, but a little lower. Also, didn't hardly have to press it out at all.
DE Box Squat
5 x 135
12 x 2 - 225 every 30s
Felt good and powerful. Good work.